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thursday next

Jasper Fforde - Lost in a Good Book (Thursday Next, B2)

Publié le 9 Septembre 2014 par Lyra Sullyvan dans Romans anglais, Jasper Fforde, SF, Fantastique, Thursday Next, 2002, Humour, Female lead, Hodder & Stoughton

Jasper Fforde - Lost in a Good Book (Thursday Next, B2)

Thursday Next is Back. This time, it's personal. For Thursday Next, literary detective without equal, life should be good. Riding high on a wave of celebrity following the safe return of kidnapped Jane Eyre, Thursday ties the know with the man she loves....

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Jasper Fforde - *The Eyre Affair (Thursday Next, T1)

Publié le 17 Mai 2012 par Lyra Sullyvan dans Romans anglais, SF, Jasper Fforde, Fantastique, Humoristique, Thursday Next, 2001, Female lead, Hodder & Stoughton, timey-wimey stuff

Jasper Fforde - *The Eyre Affair (Thursday Next, T1)

There is another 1985, somewhere in the could-have-been, where the Crimean war still rages, dodos are regenerated in home-cloning kits and everyone is deeply disappointed by the ending of 'Jane Eyre'. In this world there are no jet-liners or computers,...

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