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les salauds gentilhommes

Scott Lynch - *The Republic of Thieves (The Gentleman Bastard Sequence, book 3)

Publié le 4 Juillet 2017 par Lyra Sullyvan dans Romans américains (USA), Scott Lynch, The Gentleman Bastard Sequence, Les Salauds Gentilhommes, 2013, Fantasy, Gollancz

Scott Lynch - *The Republic of Thieves (The Gentleman Bastard Sequence, book 3)

Locke and Jean barely escaped with their lives from what should have been the greatest heist of their career, in the port city of Tal Verrar. Now they head north, looking for sanctuary and an alchemist who can cure the poison that is slowly killing Locke....

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Scott Lynch - *Red Seas Under Red Skies (The Gentlemen Bastards, tome 2)

Publié le 2 Mai 2014 par Lyra Sullyvan dans Romans américains (USA), Fantasy, Scott Lynch, 2007, Les Salauds Gentilhommes, The Gentleman Bastard Sequence

Scott Lynch - *Red Seas Under Red Skies (The Gentlemen Bastards, tome 2)

After a brutal battle with the underworld that nearly destroyed him, Locke and his trusted sidekick, Jean, fled the island city of their birth and landed on the exotic shores of Tal Verrar to nurse their wounds. But even at this westernmost edge of civilization,...

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