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developpement personnel

Hannah Witton - Doing It

Publié le 1 Juin 2017 par Lyra Sullyvan dans Romans anglais, Hannah Witton, 2017, Non-Fiction, Développement personnel, Diverse Reads, LGBTQ+, Wren&Rook, Autrice

Hannah Witton - Doing It

Sexting. Virginity. Consent. The Big O ... Let's face it, doing it can be tricksy. I don't know anyone (including myself) who has sex all figured out. So I've written a book full of honest, hilarious (and sometimes awkward) anecdotes, confessions and...

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Donald Miller - *A Million Miles in a Thousand Years

Publié le 19 Janvier 2014 par Lyra Sullyvan dans Developpement personnel, Autobiographie, Donald Miller, 2009, Non-Fiction, Thomas Nelson

Donald Miller - *A Million Miles in a Thousand Years

After writing a successful memoir, Donald Miller's life stalled. During what should have been the height of his success, he found himself unwilling to get out of bed, avoiding responsibility, even questioning the meaning of life. But when two movie producers...

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